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Memo X
全部商品 / Memo X

Memo X

Complete cutting and applying tapes in one motion. Make creative sticky memos with papers of your choice in any sizes.

*Every Memo X includes two rolls of removable tapes.


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Memo X|Get creative with simple made memos

Create Memos with One Press

Insert a piece of paper in Memo X and press down, —voila! A sticky memo materializes effortlessly, ready to capture those brilliant ideas in a flash.

Recycle for a Better Purpose

Transform an A4 sheet into 12 handy sticky notes. Whether it's outdated paperwork or documents deserving a second chance, Memo X lets you repurpose them for a better cause.

Repeated Use for Rearrangement

Transform an A4 sheet into 12 handy sticky notes. Whether it's outdated paperwork or documents deserving a second chance, Memo X lets you repurpose them for a better cause.

Remove without a trace

After countless tests and tweaks, Memo X churns out memos that can be removed and stuck over 20 times. Keep up with your ever-flowing ideas without missing a beat.

Adjustable Cutting Size for Every Need

Memo X isn't just for standard sticky notes! Adjust the cutting size to create notes for various occasions.

Simply toggle the switch on the side to customize the cutting area—no more limitations to your desk.

The largest size is 70mm*74mm, perfect for typical sticky memos. Different paper patterns add variety for various daily tasks. From to-do lists to item tagging, Memo X has you covered.

Not only does it keep up with your to-do list, the medium size memo is perfect for tagging items, making it clearer for organizing boxes.

Memo X comes in handy when you need some label stickers as bookmarks or marking points. The repeated use trait makes your paperwork intact after use.

Choose from plain memos, stripes, checkboxes, or wait for our free patterns on the website. Memo X adapts to your writing style, making organization a breeze.

Choose Your Material

Utilize any paper, not just waste documents! From unique gift wraps to textured art paper, Memo X turns them into a canvas for your crafty journal.

From cutting different sizes to mixing different materials, Memo X does it all. Make your artwork inspire and evolve by rearranging the layout while keeping the pages clean with no scratches.

2 in 1 for Versatile Use

Gently press the sides of the upper part of Memo X and pull up, it can be separated into a stamp tape dispenser and a portable cutter. With the two functions working independently, you can apply them to more aspects of daily life.

Portable Cutter

By solely pressing the portable cutter, you’ll be able to bulkly make notes in any size. 

Stamp Tape Dispenser

Unlike a stapler, by stamping the adhesive on the paper, you can easily attach your important notes without damaging the paper. Plus you get to save up the time air-drying the glue!

Strong Double-Sided Tape with 10x the Strengh

Pledging for Memo X comes with removable double-sided tapes. If your needs require more heavy-duty adhesive, the strong double-sided tapes are open for add-on options.

Even the strong double-sided tapes can be removed without any trace, leaving a clean wall for your landlord after removing the temporary holiday decoration.

Kids-Friendly Safety Blade

Memo X employs a safety switch that keeps the dull blade hidden when not in use. Not only does Memo X make a great office supply, but also kid-friendly for families to have some quality craft time together.

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